The Bagel, or the Line?

leadership, business, innovation, achievement, efficiency

Simon Sinek told a story about he and a friend who came across a free bagel giveaway.  Simon exclaimed “Free Bagel’s!  Let’s go get one!”.  His friend replied, “No thanks.  The line is too long.”  Simon said, “Yeah, but it’s free bagels.”  His friend replied, “Yeah, but look at the line”.  After going back and forth for a few minutes, Simon walked up to the front of the line and negotiated two bagels out of the person and they went on their way. 

The takeaway from this story is that two people looked at the exact same situation but saw totally different things.  Simon saw the bagels, and his friend saw the line.  This past week I caught myself making the excuse that I didn’t have time to read a few books that have been on my list for a while.  I later realized that instead of focusing on all of the ways I could create time, I was focused on why I couldn’t.  Thanks to Audible, I found a way to create an extra 30 minutes per day and just started a great book. 

When it comes to the things that you want in life, are you focused on the bagel or the line? Share with us your own experiences when you've either chosen the bagel...or the line. And, most importantly, why!

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