Family Culture

parenting, purpose, learning, family

Culture can be defined as the customs or way of life for a particular group of people.  Although we have seen examples of culture used to define countries, cities, town and businesses, it is rarely used to define a family unit.  The first step in creating a company culture is to establish a mission, purpose and core values that define why you exist and what you believe and who you are.  In the same way, I believe we should go through this exercise with our family.  We recently created a core value book that has now become the foundation of my kids bed time routine.  Each night we pick one core value to read and discuss.  I make penny deposits into a jar as I acknowledge each child for ways that they exemplified our family values that day.  Within a few shorts weeks, my two year old can recite several of our values from memory.  Here are a few examples: 

  • Positive and Encouraging: we choose to be joyful, enthusiastic and we always encourage others.  We are builders, not junk men.  When someone is being put down, we are the ones that build them back up.
  • Passion: we do not chase passion, we take it with us where ever we go.
  • Failure: we use our mistakes and failures as opportunities to learn and grown.
  • Optimal Health: we commit to always strive for optimal physical, mental and spiritual health.
  • Company: we become who we hang with, therefore we always commit to hang out with people that make us better. 

I believe the only gifts that you can truly give a family member are unconditional love, values and opportunity.  All the money and material items in the world are worthless without the right values.  I challenge you to establish your family core values and begin creating a family culture that empowers your loved ones to become the best version of themselves.

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